Is it time for you to belong to the180 family?

Although the180 Church is still a relatively young church, we are in a season of growth and development. Our vision for the180 is to continue to grow from a church plant to a developing church. In order to do so, we must institute what is commonly referred to as a "church membership" process, however, the180 refers to this process as ministry partnership.

We would love for you to consider becoming a ministry partner! If you are ready to initiate the process, please take a few minutes to read the180's ministry partner values below. You can also learn more about our story and our beliefs.

If you are interested to become a ministry partner today, the form is available at the bottom of this page.

the180 Ministry Partner Values


1. I receive the trusted wisdom found in the statement of faith of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada.

2. I receive the biblical teaching provided by Pastor Dom and our staff and seek to apply it to my life.

3. I will receive spiritual guidance and wisdom through correction from the appointed leaders at the180 when I need to grow in my ability to be a disciple of Jesus according to the Scriptures.


As ministry partners at the180, we welcome and take seriously the commitment to make time to give in three key ways.

1. I agree to give of my time to serve with us in our community and/or on one of our serve teams, and play my part as a witness to the resurrection of Jesus through his living body as expressed in this local church.

2. I understand the importance of giving attention to praying for the pastors and sr. leadership of our Advisory Board on a regular basis.

3. I commit to regularly give financially to help sustain and support the180.

Ministry Partnership Form

If you are interested in becoming a ministry partner, please fill out the form below and someone will be in contact with you shortly!

If you have any questions about becoming a ministry partner, please email us at