Teaching Series Fall 2024

U2, one of the most iconic bands on earth, once wrote a song, “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For”. And is still one of the most popular songs of our time even though it was released in 1987. Its popularity captures a deep struggle in the human heart. It points to our desire to have closure, contentment and even a sense of peace in a world that is racing toward the next thing. It’s in this world that we must revisit the deep and profound truth of Jesus. Many have deep doubts about who Jesus was and what it means to follow Jesus today. Surprisingly, the Bible addresses these issues as it draws us to see something about Jesus that can heal our cultural addiction to move on to the next best thing or to foolishly try to add to what Jesus offers us. This Fall, we are going to revisit some biblical promises that show us that Jesus and his way of life is truly enough for us. As a church, let’s revisit our vision statement and what it means to ‘love Jesus, and love like Jesus’. When we get serious about understanding Jesus better, we will start to see that those who first believed in Him and began to trust in his ways soon learned that He alone is enough. Considering that what you really believe about God, the Bible and the message of Jesus will be one of the most important decisions you make. Nobody just accidentally bumps into a life changing encounter with Jesus, so prioritize learning with us this fall and consider inviting a friend. Make time to think about and wrestle with the question, ‘Is He really Enough?’

Pastor Domenic Ruso PhD