Everything that grows has roots.
Our vision for the180 is to be a local church community where people are engaged in intentionally growing as followers of Jesus. We refer to this process as becoming a ministry partner. Ministry partnership involves both giving and receiving. Neither of these two aspects are optional in any relationship and we believe they are a special part of loving one another as commanded by Jesus and growing in spiritual maturity.
If you are interested to become a ministry partner today, the form is available at the bottom of this page.
the180 Ministry Partner Values
As ministry partners at the180, we welcome and take seriously the commitment to receive in three key ways:
1. To receive the trusted wisdom found in the Nicene Creed and the Apostle’s Creed as well as in the statement of faith of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada.
2. To receive the biblical teaching provided by our pastors and our staff and seek to apply it to my life. This includes:
A commitment to participate in Sunday morning worship as well as to attend the180’s Bible studies and other midweek discipleship opportunities when possible.
Choosing to apply the teaching at the180 at letting it hold weight over and above teaching from other internet resources and pastors outside of our church community.
3. To receive spiritual guidance and wisdom through correction from the appointed leaders at the180 to grow as a disciple of Jesus according to the Scriptures.
As ministry partners at the180, we welcome and take seriously the commitment to make time to give in four key ways.
1. To give of my time to serve with us in our community and/or on one of our serve teams, and play my part as a witness to the resurrection of Jesus through his living body as expressed in this local church.
2. To pray for the pastors and senior leadership of our Elder’s Board and for the needs of our church community on a regular basis.
3. To give financially to help sustain and support the180 as part of my commitment to be generous as God is generous, and to trust in his kingdom work in and through the local church.
4. To seek to be someone others can imitate, looking for opportunities to build relationships and to pour into others, as I seek to pass on the faith to the next generation.
Ministry Partnership Form
If you are interested in becoming a ministry partner, please fill out the form below and someone will be in contact with you shortly!
If you have any questions about becoming a ministry partner, please email us at info@the180.ca.