
We believe in the importance of gathering together as a sacred time to slow down and reflect on the deeper meaning of life. This ancient practice, started by the earliest followers of Jesus as a celebration of new life, continues to shape our lives and the development of the180.

What to expect:

During our regular Sunday mornings, on arrival, you will be greeted by friendly hosts who will help orient you to our warehouse worship space (it's pretty cool) and answer any questions you might have. Knowing how uncomfortable attending church for the first time may be, we try to create a welcoming environment that is sensitive towards people's spiritual journeys.

On a Sunday morning, generally we begin by singing together and learning about what is going on in our community through announcements, videos, or hearing a story from someone in our community. Then, we open the Bible together and listen to a message that seeks to take the important truths of the Bible and apply them to our contemporary context.

*Gatherings are held in English, though many French-speaking people attend our gatherings.

What if I have kids?

We encourage parents to register their children in our 180 Families Area before the gathering so that the kids can easily go to their classrooms when they are dismissed. We have a kids zone for ages 0 to Grade 6! We follow a curriculum which intentionally invites both the family and the church to teach and influence their children.

If you have babies who need to be nursed or cared for during the gathering, we have a room designated for you with a TV displaying what is happening in the gathering.

Can I get involved beyond showing up for a gathering?

Glad you asked! It may not seem like it but Sunday gatherings involve a lot of people: everyone from the people who clean over the weekend, to people who welcome you at the door, to the people who make sure our coffee tables are set up so that you can enjoy a hot cup of coffee. Check out our Serve Team page for more information.

So, you meet in a warehouse?

Yes! We recently fundraised to be able to successfully purchase our building space! This enables us to put down some roots and to have a space from which to love and serve our community - you can find us at 3190 Rue Delaunay. There’s a lot to do as we continue to make it our home, and we are encouraging you to consider how you might contribute. Find giving information here.

We hope to meet you on an upcoming Sunday!