None of the fields below are mandatory, including your name. But the more you fill out the more you will help me help you! Name First Name Last Name Email Address What aspects of the Parent Cue was helpful? What aspects of the Parent Cue was unhelpful? How can the Parent Cue be tweaked in a helpful way? How did your kids respond to the parent cue? What's one thing (or two) every parent wishes their youth pastor would know? What's one difficult topic of conversation the youth pastor can help with? (It can be more than one!) What tools or resources do you as a parent wish you would have access too? How can our youth pastor and/or youth leaders be praying for you as parents? What are stories of learning and growing you've noticed in your teen(s)? If you wanted our youth leaders to know one thing, what would it be? (It can be more than one thing!) Thank you!