Why the Bible | Part 2: We all Need Words of Life

Facts about the Bible don't always stir us to read or apply its teaching to our lives. This week, Pastor Dom continues in our series looking at how the Bible points us to Jesus and that those who heard Him realized that He truly had words of life. We hope you are encouraged and challenged as you listen in. Consider who else might need to hear this and share it with them.

We are an interdenominational church in Montreal, seeking to create a safe and honest space to ask questions. Join us at 10:30am Eastern (-4:00 UTC/GMT) Sundays and find out more at https://the180.ca and consider supporting our mission in Quebec at https://the180.ca/give

Why the Bible | Part 2: We all Need Words of Life

Recorded Sunday, June 18, 2023

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Why the Bible | Part 3: Word & Spirit


Why the Bible | Part 1: More than a Book