Firm Foundation | Part 1: Resolutions won't be Enough

At the start of this new year, we get a chance to consider the kind of life God is offering us. While resolutions can be helpful, they are not enough for a healthy spiritual life Jesus offers those who build their life on His teachings. Listen in as Pastor Dom kicks off our new teaching series called Firm Foundation. May this year be filled with new opportunities to trust God and follow his ways.

We are an interdenominational church in Montreal, seeking to create a safe and honest space to ask questions. Join us at 10:30am Eastern (-4:00 UTC/GMT) Sundays and find out more at and consider supporting our mission in Quebec at

Firm Foundation | Part 1: Resolutions won't be Enough

Recorded Sunday, January 08, 2023

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Firm Foundation | Part 2: Anchors are for Adventure


Stand-Alone Message | How the Good News Grows