Learn more about events and sign up below!

Intro to the180

Intro to the180

If you recently joined The180 or have not yet been to an intro to the180, this is for you! Get to know more about our church, meet our team, ask questions and find out how to get connected and grow deeper with us.  Sunday, March 30 @ the warehouse, after the 9am gathering (we ask that you please attend the 9am gathering first, as this will end after the 11am gathering begins) Kids are invited and we will also provide childcare. Please check your inbox for a confirmation email (and check your junk folder if you don't see it). Email info@the180.ca with any questions.. Sign up here.

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Prayer Night on Zoom

Prayer Night on Zoom

Connect with us on zoom on Thursday, April 3 at 7:30 PM to pray together. All are welcome to join in and as we pray for then different needs of those in our community and invite God to be part of all areas of our lives, our neighbourhood and the world. Sign up.

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Spring Celebration

Spring Celebration

Join us on Sunday April 6 between gatherings to enjoy the sunshine and some special spring treats! We don't often get the chance to all be together, so we can't wait to catch up with old friends and to meet new faces. See you there!

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Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday - 13 | 9 AM or 11 AM

Join us as we step into Holy Week, a very special week in the Christian faith. Whether you are new to faith or have celebrated Holy Week or the Easter season many times before, all are welcome. Kidzone available for children aged 0-12

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Good Friday

Good Friday

Good Friday - April 18 | 7:30 PM

Set some time aside and come out to a special Friday evening worship & communion gathering to reflect on Jesus' final steps to the cross and what his death means for our lives. Kidzone available for children aged 0-12. All are welcome.

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Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday - April 20 | 9 AM & 11 AM

Come and celebrate that Jesus is alive! Join us as we gather to remember the Easter story and what it means that Jesus finds each of us and brings us out of death and into life. Enjoy a coffee between gatherings. Kidzone available for children aged 0-12. All are welcome.

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The Foundations Class is a three week online series designed to help you grow roots at the180 by learning some of the essentials of the faith. If you've been to an Intro to the180, or are interested in becoming a ministry partner, this is an important next step. Begins on Wednesday April 23 at 7:30 PM. Sign up opens April 2

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Clean Day

Clean Day

Its time for a spring cleaning on Saturday April 26! The180 continues to see new people every week and we want to make the warehouse a warm and welcoming place, so we will be doing a deep clean and re-organize of many of the well-used warehouse spaces. Can you help? Save the date, sign up coming soon.

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Baptism is sacred practice of making the commitment to follow Jesus. The next baptisms are being celebrated on Sunday April 27. If you are considering this next step in your faith journey, we encourage you to sign up for the mandatory class taking place on Saturday April 12 at 9:30 AM. This is an opportunity to learn more about baptism and discern with our pastors if this is the next best thing for you! Sign up here.

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Women’s Thrift Day

Women’s Thrift Day

Women’s Thrift Day 

May 3 | 12 PM - 3 PM

The180 warehouse 3190 Rue Delaunay, Laval

The180 Church is excited to support a local women’s shelter by raising funds through a Women’s Thrift Day!

Donate Items:

We need your help! Go through your closet and collect items that you would like to pass along. Items can be dropped off at the180 warehouse every Sunday morning in April. See the specific list of items being collected below. All items should be gently used/new and clean. Items not found on this list will NOT be accepted.

  • women's clothing (tops, bottoms, coats, bras)

  • Women’s shoes

  • Women’s accessories (handbags, belts, jeweller)

  • Children’s clothes & shoes (aged 1-15)

  • Books

Come shopping with a friend:

Share this event with any women you know! Bring a friend & a reusable shopping bag and come enjoy a fun shopping afternoon. Shop from this collection of gently used women’s & children’s items and stick around for coffee and a snack too. Whether you’re shopping on a tight budget or just love the thrill of thrifting, all are welcome.

Support our community:

The local women’s shelter we are supporting is currently home to 11 women and 11 children. All proceeds from the Women’s Thrift Day will go to the shelter. Women from the shelter will have the opportunity to shop from the collection ahead of the official event. Please be praying that this is a positive experience for these women and that they get a sense of hope and of God’s love for them!

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The Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Course

The Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Course

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (EHS) is a six week course that helps you integrate emotional health and spiritual growth, leading to a deeper, more authentic relationship with God. It challenges the idea that spiritual maturity can exist without emotional maturity, offering biblical wisdom and practical tools to help you live with greater peace, purpose, and wholeness.It teaches you to:

- Slow down and cultivate a deeper spiritual life

- Break free from unhealthy patterns and past wounds

- Develop rhythms of prayer, rest, and self-awareness

- Grow in love for God, yourself, and others

In-person sessions include video content, a workbook and group discussions. This series will be hosted at the180 warehouse beginning Tuesday March 11 at 7:30 PM. Limited spots available.

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The Marriage Course

The Marriage Course

The Marriage Course is a practical and engaging six week series designed to help couples strengthen their relationship. Whether newlyweds or married for decades, The Marriage Course is designed to help couples build strong , lasting relationships, through meaningful conversations and practical tools.

The Marriage Course trailer

Online sessions include video content and a workbook to guide private conversations between you and your partner. This series takes place online with exception to the first session which is in-person. limited spots available, begins Monday March 10 at 7:30 PM. 

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Lent Prayer Night

Lent Prayer Night

Lent is a season of reflection and preparation leading up to Easter, a time to draw close to God through prayer, repentance and renewal. Join us on Wednesday March 5 at 7:30 PM as we seek God together, pray for our community, and prepare our hearts for the hope of Easter. Whether you are familiar with Lent or new to this idea, this night is for everyone.

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Parent & Child Dedication

Parent & Child Dedication

The next Parent & Child Dedication is being celebrated on Sunday February 16. This is a special opportunity for the180 church family to stand with parent(s), and their child(ren) to make a covenant in partnering together to raise our kids in the faith. If you'd like your child(ren) dedicated or want to learn more, sign up for the mandatory class on Saturday February 1, 9:30 AM at the warehouse. Sign up here.

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The Bible - Online Learning Series

The Bible - Online Learning Series

A Learning Series at the180 is an opportunity to learn about our faith through the context of culture, history and the Bible. This upcoming Learning Series is on The Bible; how we got it and whether we can trust it. Join us online for this three week Learning Series that begins on Tuesday Feb 11. Sign up here.

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Christmas Gathering

Christmas Gathering

If you are looking to celebrate Christmas in a special way, please join us at 9 AM or 11 AM to celebrate the hope that Jesus brings to us in this season! All are welcome.

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Cookie Drive

Cookie Drive

Our annual Cookie Drive is an opportunity for us to give back to several organizations we partner with. Please bring 2-3 dozen festive cookies on December 18 from 6 PM- 8 PM. Help us package them for delivery and write Christmas cards too.

Organizations that will receive cookie packages are Groupe D’Entraide La Rosee and T.R.I.L,  Chez Doris, Maison Prelude, Maison de lina, and a local school. Last year we packaged over 300 boxes of cookies!

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Kids Christmas

Kids Christmas

Join us at 9 AM or 11 AM for the story of a boy named Christmas and the friends he meets on his journey to the holy little city. The road isn't easy and time is running out.  The180 kids can't wait to share this special story.

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Advent Prayer Night

Advent Prayer Night

Advent is a special time leading up to Christmas when christians are invited to slow down, to wait and to prepare. Join us on Wednesday December 4, to pray, prepare our hearts and invite God to teach us something new about this special time of year.

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Intro to the180

Intro to the180

If you recently joined the180 in the last 6 months, this is for you! Get to know more about our church, meet our team, ask questions and find out how to get more connected and grow deeper with us. Sunday November 24@ the warehouse, 10:15am - 11:00am (between the 2 Worship Gatherings).

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Fall Fest 2024

Fall Fest 2024

Join us on Saturday, October 26, from 10 AM to 12 PM for a spectacular Fall Fest for kids! Connect with families while enjoying games, treats, costumes, crafts, and a host of fun activities for the whole family. Bring your friends and make unforgettable memories together! Don't miss out on this festive day of autumn fun!

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Home Groups
to Oct 10

Home Groups

We believe in learning to “be the church every day”. We see home groups as an important way to be shaped as followers of Jesus. Starting this October We’re officially launching our Fall Home Groups. Start date varies by group. Learn more and sign up.

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If you are a Ministry Partner, a meeting will be held Saturday September 21 at 9:30 AM at the180. If you are not a Ministry Partner and would like to partner with us, or were and would like to recommit, visit our website here.

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Fall Bible Study | A Closer Look at Colossians. You are invited to head 'back-to-school' with us for a 4 week study on the Book of Colossians beginning Tuesday September 10 at the warehouse. To sign up click here.

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The180 will have a booth at a park event hosted by the City of Laval, to raise funds for SBEVA, a local organization that supports seniors and those with disabilities.
Come out for this special opportunity to be present in our community and love our neighbours. There will be lots of food and fun activities for kids. For directions click here.

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We are partnering with HEMA-QUEBEC for a Blood Drive at the 180 on Saturday June 8, from 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM. If you are able to make time in your day, come out and give in a life-saving way. Invite someone with you. Book an appointment here or drop in.

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We love our city! Espoir Laval bike race in our neighborhood for two weeks in May, so we are adjusting our gathering times:

May 19th - 9am gathering IN PERSON & 11am ONLINE

May 26th - 11am ONLINE

Thank you for pivoting with us. Make sure to tell friends or family who have been joining you at church!

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Join us on Easter Sunday March 31st for our 9 and 11 am services. Celebrate this day with us as our Youth Choir joins in. Let's come together in joy and reverence as we commemorate the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

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Join us for our Good Friday service on Friday March 29th at 7:30pm and communion as we remember the sacrifice that was made by Jesus Christ on the cross for our sins and the reason we celebrate on Easter Sunday. Also the 180 Kids Zone will be open for ages 1 to 6 yrs. old.

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Lent Prayer Night

Lent Prayer Night

Lent is a season of reflection and preparation leading up to Easter, a time to draw close to God through prayer, repentance and renewal. Join us on Wednesday March 5 at 7:30 PM at th180, as we seek God together, pray for our community, and prepare our hearts for the hope of Easter. Whether you are familiar with Lent or new to this idea, this night is for everyone.

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HerStory Night

HerStory Night

Join us on Friday November 24th 7:00pm at the180, for a fun night of connecting with other women! We will be making Christmas wreaths. Invite a friend ! We are asking for 10$ per person to cover costs. Click here for more info and signup.

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