Kids Ministry Update
Dear 180 Families,
Over the past few weeks, we have seen some historic things take place in our church community. Most importantly, we have had a record high attendance over this last month. We are so thankful for you and your invitation to others to explore church and Jesus with us. This includes new families and new kids excited to be at church.
Our elders and staff are praying and working on a plan to create more room and space not only in our main gathering area, but also in our KidsZone space.
For the next few weeks, beginning May 7th, we are inviting the kids from 0 years old to Grade 6 to now join us in the KidsZone areas as soon as they are checked in. We will not have our regular dismissal time for the kids during the main worship. This will help create more space in the main gathering area. It will also create some time to learn as the elders and staff create a more consistent plan as we move into the Fall.
We value your kids having worship time and seeing you, as their parents, worship Jesus. This value remains important and we know that your kids enjoy listening to the worship time alongside you. Please help us and pray as we navigate this season of growth and change at the180 with this value in mind.
For the next few weeks, the kids will be having their own worship time in the KidsZone along with their learning time. We ask that you encourage your child(ren) to participate and make the most of their time in the KidsZone during this season of growth and change.
Thank you for your cooperation. We are excited for what the future holds for the180 Church.
Beverly Ruso
The180 Children’s Ministry Director