Why the Cross?
A Lent Series
Suffering - Sacrifice - Saviour - Surrender - Strength
One of the most shocking claims of the Christian faith is that Jesus “suffered under Pontius Pilate.” Not only is this truth found in the Bible, but it is also passed on to us in the most trusted and authoritative baptismal creed we call the Apostles’ Creed.
At approximately 33 years of age, Jesus hung on a cross and died there—a punishment reserved for criminals. However, the followers of Jesus were convinced he was not a criminal, but the one whom they called the Son of God and the Christ (which means Savior or Chosen One). This claim was foolish to some, while others recognized it as a promise of forgiveness as they perhaps wondered: Why the cross?
With the season of Lent upon us—a season of intentional reflection—we want to move toward Easter by asking: Why the cross? The Bible provides layers of meaning meant to draw us closer to the teachings of Jesus and his unique confrontation with the cross. We hope that, as a church, we will hear again that something about the cross is meant to remind us that Jesus has “disarmed the powers of this world” (Colossians 2:15).
For those who have ears to hear, Good News awaits.
Pastor Domenic Ruso PhD