Christmas Unwrapped

Christmas Unwrapped | The Gift of Hope - Dom Ruso

This week we continued a teaching series focused on unwrapping the deeper
meaning of the Christmas story.

Dom showed us how Christmas will inevitably disturb comfort and control in our lives. Together we looked at how King Herod's upset reaction to news about the new king of the Jews can very easily be our same reaction today if we refuse to see how Jesus is our true gift of hope this Christmas.

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Part of this video was shown as part of this message.

Christmas Unwrapped | The Gift of Faith - Dom Ruso

This week we began a new teaching series focused on unwrapping the deeper
meaning of the Christmas story.

Dom showed us how many of us will be tempted to rush ahead to Christmas celebrations and parties and miss the important lessons God is teaching his people in the period of Advent, which leads up to Christmas. Take a listen to how the gift of faith can easily be built on fear rather than trust, and accept the invitation of John 3:16 to know that God so loved the world that he sent his son.

Subscribe to our iTunes Podcast here.