
Empowered | Part 3: The Extending Love of Pentecost - Dom Ruso

Empowered | Part 3: The Extending Love of Pentecost - Dom Ruso

The Bible records a symbolic event of God's empowerment that we call Pentecost. While there is some confusion and controversy about the story, listen in as Pastor Dom helps us to see that God's love remains central to his empowering ways so that we can continue to welcome those who need to hear and see the wonders of God at work through us.

Empowered | Part 2: I Didn't Sign Up for This - Dom Ruso

Empowered | Part 2: I Didn't Sign Up for This - Dom Ruso

The resurrection of Jesus was more than just a miracle, it was the start of a new move of God. Saying yes to Jesus involved a special empowerment that was made available by the Holy Spirit. This week, we look at more surprises that surely left some saying 'I didn't sign up for this'. Also we celebrate with those getting baptized in obedience to Jesus' final instructions before his ascension.

Empowered | Part 1: Empowered & Equipped for More - Dom Ruso

Empowered | Part 1: Empowered & Equipped for More - Dom Ruso

This is known as the 1st Sunday of Easter. Yes, according to the Bible, Jesus did more teaching to prepare His followers for what was coming. The Bible guides us to see how Jesus' resurrection was linked to new empowerment for the new things God was doing. Imagine that God is still calling you and I to the new things He has in store for us if we embrace His empowerment.