Bitter Grace | Wrap Up Sunday - Dom Ruso
Our Wrap Up Sunday helped us bring a close to the story of Jonah. As part of our learning we looked at how Jesus points to Jonah to try to correct misguided ideas about God.
This video was shown as part of this Wrap Up Sunday:
Bitter Grace | What Are You Running From? - Dom Ruso
The intro to our "Bitter Grace" series from October 23, 2016.
This Sunday, Dom introduced us to the story of the prophet Jonah, an important story that can get lost somewhere as a fun story about the guy and the big fish. Yet Jesus himself points to Jonah as an essential story that reveals how "insiders" who seem committed to God can still have indifferent and hard hearts. Jonah's story has great wisdom for us today as we ask ourselves what we are running from.
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- #Blessed
- A Christmas Surprise
- A Higher Love
- About New Beginnings
- Becoming
- Beyond Happiness
- Bitter Grace
- Book of James
- Breathing Room
- Christmas Unwrapped
- Come Let Us Adore Him
- Coming Home
- Courageous Prayers
- Empowered
- Favoured
- Forbidden
- Fragmented
- God Is ___
- God-Honouring Leadership
- Grace Extended
- Grown Up Prayers
- Holier Than Thou?
- Jesus: Is He Enough?
- Kingdom of Heaven
- Our Relationships Matter
- Revisiting Discernment
- Spiritual You
- Standalone Message
- Summer in the Proverbs
- The Last Supper
- What Won't Change
- Who Do You Say I AM?
- Why Church?
- Why the Cross?
- Your Start Over