The Bible: More Than A Book | Part 1: Why Do We Have A Bible?

Pastor Dom introduces our new series that looks at the first steps to recommitting to the Bible with a new joy shaped by Jesus’ resurrection.

For the earliest Christians Jesus' life, death and resurrection caused a shift that required them to rethink their view of the Bible. Furthermore, this was about a new that they were going to share how to love and learn about Jesus.

The Bible: More Than A Book | Part 1: Why Do We Have A Bible?

Recorded Sunday, February 16, 2020

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Amazing Grace: A Study in the Book of Ephesians | Part 5: God’s Way To Victory

God’s grace provides power as we face difficulty, temptations and trials in this life. Dom discusses about how God gives us victory no matter what we face in this life.

Amazing Grace: A Study in the Book of Ephesians | Part 5: God’s Way To Victory

Recorded Sunday, February 9, 2020

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Amazing Grace: A Study in the Book of Ephesians | Part 4: A Family Formed by Grace

Grace, God's gift to us, is made visible through a new family called the Church. Listen in as pastor Dom explains the importance of the church in a time when many people are not really sure why church matters.

Amazing Grace: A Study in the Book of Ephesians | Part 4: A Family Formed by Grace

Recorded Sunday, February 2, 2020

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Amazing Grace: A Study in the Book of Ephesians | Part 3: The Blessing of Grace

The debate about grace and works often gets people stuck. God's love is a gift, but out of that loving grace we should be stirred to be a blessing. Listen as we explore that God calls us his Handiwork to be a blessing to others.

Amazing Grace: A Study in the Book of Ephesians | Part 3: The Blessing of Grace

Recorded Sunday, January 26, 2020

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Amazing Grace: A Study in the Book of Ephesians | Part 2: The Controversies of Grace

In this sermon, Dom looks at the important topic of grace, and how such a beautiful aspect of the Gospel can create deep division in the church.

Amazing Grace: A Study in the Book of Ephesians | Part 2: The Controversies of Grace

Recorded Sunday, January 19, 2020

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