Never the Same | Part 1: From Shame to Never the Same

We all have things we want to hide. Many of those things leave scars and continue to cause deep pain until we let God heal us. This week we start a new series about the way Jesus offered people a new way forward. Listen in as Pastor Dom looks at women whose encounter with Jesus left others saying 'She'll never be the same'.

We are an interdenominational church in Montreal, seeking to create a safe and honest space to ask questions. Join us at 10:30am Eastern (-4:00 UTC/GMT) Sundays and find out more at and consider supporting our mission in Quebec at

Never the Same | Part 1: From Shame to Never the Same

Recorded Sunday, September 11, 2022

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Guidelines for Freedom | Part 10: Don't Covet: If only I had ...

If you've been listening you know we have been revisiting the Ten Commandments with a new twist. As part of this series we have asked God to give us a new perspective on what it means to be free and to be formed in his ways. Listen in as Pastor Dom addresses the final commandment and the lie that we'd really be happy if we only had what others have.

We are an interdenominational church in Montreal, seeking to create a safe and honest space to ask questions. Join us at 10:30am Eastern (-4:00 UTC/GMT) Sundays and find out more at and consider supporting our mission in Quebec at

Guidelines for Freedom | Part 10: Don't Covet: If only I had ...

Recorded Sunday, September 04, 2022

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Guidelines for Freedom | Part 9: A Truth that Sets Us Free

The 9th commandment invites us not only to avoid lying, but to be people who care deeply about truth as a way of life.

We are an interdenominational church in Montreal, seeking to create a safe and honest space to ask questions. Join us at 10:30am Eastern (-4:00 UTC/GMT) Sundays and find out more at and consider supporting our mission in Quebec at

Guidelines for Freedom | Part 9: A Truth that Sets Us Free

Recorded Sunday, August 28, 2022

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Guidelines for Freedom | Part 8: You Shall Not Steal

What does it mean not to steal? The 8th commandment tells us one should not try to get something for nothing. Join us as we look at the Exodus and Deuteronomy and the flow of the biblical story to see how this commandment is understood. This will help us to contextualize the Biblical mandate in a variety of ways, especially in our highly technological society where information is so readily available.

We are an interdenominational church in Montreal, seeking to create a safe and honest space to ask questions. Join us at 10:30am Eastern (-4:00 UTC/GMT) Sundays and find out more at and consider supporting our mission in Quebec at

Guidelines for Freedom | Part 8: You Shall Not Steal

Recorded Sunday, August 21, 2022

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Guidelines for Freedom | Part 7: We are more than our Impulses

This weekend we explore a command that draws us toward God’s vision for heathy relationships. Listen in as Pastor Dom addresses the destructive ways of adultery and Jesus’ wisdom for healing and wholeness in our fractured world.

We are an interdenominational church in Montreal, seeking to create a safe and honest space to ask questions. Join us at 10:30am Eastern (-4:00 UTC/GMT) Sundays and find out more at and consider supporting our mission in Quebec at

Guidelines for Freedom | Part 7: We are more than our Impulses

Recorded Sunday, August 14, 2022

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Watch the video on YouTube.